Minna Carta Meritage

Modern arts and culture conglomerate steeped in tradition:


The original Magna Carta calls a need for modern legislation to defend civil “ancient liberties and free customs” (§XIII). An enduring concept, artefact, and symbol of independence remains a cornerstone of Western law for over 800 years.

US Consitutional Amendments V and XIV, the rights to “life, liberty, or property” descend from 1215’s principle of common law.

Founder hails from Southern California.

2012 – 2015
Founder conducts research on Global Studies, Economic Justice, and Social Entrepreneurship. In Boston, he accepts invites to Ashoka, TEDx, and Forbes Under 30.

2016 – 2018

Minna Carta’s First Tenet, Artistic Expression, is formed during the Founder’s time at Harvard University.


First Tenet is refined after Microsoft Corporation’s $1B investment in OpenAI, which hastens expert ANI (GPT-2, DALL·E).

Second and Third Tenets, Promotion and Celebration, are forged by the Founder’s experience in the arts and entertainment industry.


Minna Carta’s Fourth Tenet, Timelessness, is adopted after former Professor acknowledges Founder’s prior research contributions to Human Rights and MENA Refugees in NYU University Press.


Minna Carta owes is Fifth Tenet, Essentials, to the unparalleled generosity and eternal hospitality of collaborators from 강남구, 순천시, 광주광역시, and 제주도, Republic of Korea. 정말 고마워요.


Minna Carta elects its Inaugural Board of Overseers and defines its Sixth Tenet.


Minna Carta acquires Altavega Inc., member of Association for Electronic Music.